Sunday, July 1, 2012

A true inspiration

As I have stated I am spending my weekend in the greatest place on earth (at least for me and any others who have spent their summers at the Grove). I spent my last post talking about the Grove, what it means to me and also part of the reason I am here this weekend.

I would like to take this opportunity to talk about the other reason I am here THIS weekend. I will be the first to admit that I don't attend church regularly (much). I can't attend Sunday services because I work all day every Sunday. But let's face it, that's an excuse. I wasn't attending even when I worked Saturdays instead of Sunday's. Then the excuse was my son. I I'm going to be honest- I'm full of excuses when it comes to organized religion, but more on that later.

There are very few ministers/reverends/pastors I enjoy listening to, ad most if not all array the Grove. My favorite is the Reverend Walter Webb (goes by Wally). I asked him to officiate my marriage, baptize my son, and always go to him when I have a problem I need to talk out. He is ALWAYS ready with a friendly ear, shoulder to cry on, and always with a BAD joke. In fact whenever he tells me. a bad joke he asks if it should go in "The Joke Jar". I once asked him about the jar and he said that when he dies he wants everyone who attends his funeral to pull a joke out of the jar and read it aloud so we can feel him close. I like this idea and may do something similar (if not steal his idea outright- see, I know Wally would be flattered and not offended).

Anyway, about 6 months ago Wally was in a terrible car accident which has left him if not permanently, then at least for a very long time unable to walk, and very limited control/movement of his arms. This man who has done so much for the Grove, ad his community now has to rely almost completely on everyone else now. I might also mention here that last summer he and his wife lost their only child.

I share all this because I get in here and "vent" about the struggles in my life- and while I'm doing that, this amazing man is so very positive, he is still listening to others with their small complaints, still quick to offer a shoulder, still smiling and telling his bad jokes.

Six months after his terrible, life changing accident he was back in the front of his church for the very first time, and I was there to see a d hear him. It was so very moving.

We read the 23 psalm together, as a reading and again during his sermon. He pointed out that wen we are in a good place we often don't have much use for God and he is a HE. But, when things are bad, he becomes a Thou. Then he becomes important. How interesting to see it so plainly written in the bible if we only take the time to really read the words. Reminds me of a song "Laughing With" by Regina Spector.

Wally reminds us to not forget God wen things are good, and when they are bad- know that God is close then too.

We are spending another night in this sacred place to drink up the tranquility and full my soul with peace before reentering the world, but also because Wally is preaching at Vespers tonight too. What a first day back- 2 services in one day. I am do blessed to have this positive man in my life. He reminds me to look to the positive, stay focused in the good, and always- remember God is always close.

I know I'm a work in progress, but I need to spend more time at the Grove, I forget my lessons too quickly in the outside world, and miss out in too many bad jokes. Have a blessed day.

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