Monday, July 23, 2012

A good friend or too accommodating?

I've been thinking lately, and asking myself a hard question. So hard for me in fact I have opened it up to friends/family/and now everyone. Am I being a good and considerate friend or am I too accommodating?

Now for a little back story to explain.... I am a nurturer by nature. It's who I am and what I do. I will do what I can for who I can. When I am spending time with someone and I know they don't like watching comedies, we don't ever watch comedies. If they don't like kissing (I'm talking romantic relationship on this one) we won't kiss. I want the person I am with to be happy. I don't want to put them in a position where they have to do anything they don't want.

This is done to the extent that in my marriage and in some friendships throughout the years I have gone without certain things I wanted/needed. I do this happily (for the most part). I end up feeling guilty when someone offers to do something I know they don't like.

Don't get me wrong, some have happily offered to do these things for me. I just seem to be very hypocritical when it comes to this subject. It's ok for me to do things I may not enjoy to please others, but it is not acceptable to let others have that same opportunity.

Is this an ok way to go through life? Forgoing my needs and desires and making everyone else's more important? How is this mind set helping me push forward? Is this why I have such a hard time taking care of myself? Am I being a good and considerate friend? Or, am I still stuck in the mindset that I'm not worthy and not important? Told you I'm wrestling with some weighty issues.

On a side note- my self care act for the day is going out for a drink with some good friends (and letting a friend buy me a drink as sadly I can't afford it myself- normally I would just decline and stay home by myself). It's a start right?


  1. It would have been... if you went ;-) I love ya Emily - but you NEED to put yourself first, even if it's just every once in a while =) Have you read any of Cheryl Richardsons books? I highly recommend "Extreme Self Care"...

    Lets go out for that drink - ok? =)

    1. I've never heard of her, I'll check it out for sure. Wanted to come but it ended up being way too late for me with my new schedule. 8-8:30 would have worked but 10 was too late for me. We definitely need to go for that drink sometime soon. :)
