About Me

Hi my name is Emily and I'm a craft-a-holic.

Let me tell you a little about myself.  I work full time with adults with developmental disabilities.  I love my job, I get to support 7 amazing individuals in their homes and in the community.  I have worked there for over 12 years.  I am also a massage therapist, Reiki II therapist, and a Polarity therapist. (Polarity and Reiki are forms of energy work, some call it voo-doo, I call it amazing and a natural way to bring your body back into balance.)

I live in South Portland Maine with my wonderful son, who also struggles with developmental disabilities.  My husband and I have been separated for almost 2 years and I'm hoping we will be divorced soon.  My son is the most important person in the world to me and there is nothing I won't do for him.  Case in point: I have opened my house up to 7 people who have/ do work with him in our home.  If it will benefit him, I'll happily do it.

Family is very important to me.  I cherish everyone I am lucky enough to call family.  Friends are just a part of my extended family.

I love 5to laugh and make others laugh as well.  If I can make you smile, no matter what else is going on in my life- I call that a good day.  I am here to celebrate life, art, family, home and most importantly, CRAFTS!!!!