Friday, October 14, 2011


Do you ever just feel so overwhelmed that you shut down and want to hibernate?  Well, that's how I've felt for a very long time as far as my financial situation goes.  I'm in way over my head as far as debt is concerned.  Fixing it looks impossible.  I don't even want to try, I want to continue to ignore it but I can't.  Here's the frustrating part: If I wanted to I could stick my to-be ex with the bills for last years oil, cable etc because we are technically still married and he's here so often that he's using these things almost as much as me, and more importantly- they are all in his name.  I can't tell you how much I want to do that.  Then I would only have to face the debt in my name and might actually prompt Ex to finally file for divorce just to save his credit.  However, even though that was suggested to me by the oil company I talked to today to start making payments on my seriously past due account, I can't do it.  It's not right and I have to make it right. 
I find that when I'm stressed about finances ( most of the time) I end up over spending on craft things.  I've been told that crafting is my "crack".  I really need to get this under control, I mean my cars inspection expired in April and I can't afford to get it fixed and inspected.  But I have the money for paper and stickers?  Wow, I really need to start seeing a therapist again and also get spending under control.  I need to take a hard look at my expenses and make a budget and stick to it.  But what I really want to do is buy these really cute Christmas stamps I found at the craft store and then hide under my covers.  I will not buy! I will not buy!
I need a tranquilizer and a drink.........

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