Is it? I don't know. I do know that my emotions have been all over the place lately. One minute I'm happy, enjoying everything that is going well in my life. The next- I'm emotional, wanting to cry and feeling very unsettled. I don't get it, yes there's stress in my life, but everyone has stress. So many things are going well in my life too. More so than in the recent past. So why do I feel like I'm on a yo-yo?
I swear if I wasn't sure it was an impossibility I would say I was pregnant. However, with no uterus that really isn't an option.
Could I be peri-menopausal? I guess I could be..... If that's what's going on then hold on world, we're in for a bumpy ride. Good luck handling me and my mood swings.
The only other thought I can come up with is my depression/anxiety meds. I went to the dr a week ago and we decided I can stop taking them. Now I have to be honest here- I have not been great about taking them as it is, I missed them more than I took them. It wasn't on purpose (although I hate being dependent on them) but yeah, I wasn't good this time around on my meds so I was thrilled when he recognized that I even looked much happier then he's seen me in a long time. However, could the fact that I didn't take them consistently and now am totally off them have effected my mood to this extent? Hmmm, could be.
I guess what I need to do is remind myself of everything good when I'm riding the roller coaster of emotions. I think I'll also be keeping an eye on all of this stuff and if it doesn't even out I will have to call my dr and discuss it with him and work on a strategy.
Maybe I need to make some time in my daily life to meditate and work on relaxation as well as visualization techniques to get me through all this crazy that has become my life.
Well, whatever the reason, this has become my life and I'll figure it out. I usually do, and things are going to be fine......peace and blessings
One word - sugar. I cut down on sugar, highly processed foods and anything with high fructose corn syrup and it's been a game changer. It wasn't easy ... I still struggle... but I started following the South Beach Diet and have never felt better - I can't believe how sugar and carbs effected my mood. But, I am not a doctor, I don't play one on TV... so .. yanno...