Alright, this is so not funny. I know I haven't mentioned it, but I really hate being sick. My chest feels like its being stabbed every time I cough. I even get coughing so hard I throw up. Yuck.
My weekend is coming to a close (I have Fridays and Saturday's off, although my boss now has me working a couple of hours every Friday morning) I have to say, for being so sick it's been pretty good.
Will and I have had our moments, I'm not as patient and calm when I'm sick. (have I mentioned I hate being sick and I feel miserable yet?). However, Will came with me to run my work errands Friday am, and he even reluctantly had a sleep over at Granny and Papas so I could get some sleep. He ended up having a great time playing Legos, pool, darts and soccer.
Today we went to Jerry's Rocks and Gems to dig in the sand box. This is very cool if you have a child who likes sand, and rocks. They let you fill up a bag (sm bag, but you can get a lot in there) for $5. Jerry will even sort and label everything you find. We got everything from amethyst, to garnet, to quartz, to fossils and everything in between. It's such a cool place to visit and explore.
I have to say, I was hoping for someone to bring me some soup. (it was offered on a night I had to work late, hey- you could have brought it anytime in the last 3 nights I was home! I'm still sick). Ah well, my energy is super low, even with the extra sleep last night. I can't wait for Will to go to bed tonight so I can follow. Is that wrong of me? I have a very low supply of patience, creativity, interest, and energy right now. I wish it was different, but "it is what it is" and I can't change it in the moment. I really hate being sick---just in case you were wondering. Hope I'm feeling better soon, for my sake and Wills. Toodles
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